The poet neo Tawantisuyano
Birth: March 2, 1925, in the community Condoraqui, district and province of San Antonio de Putina Department of Puno, "The discovery of a strange new visionary poet" Sebastián Salazar Bondy NEAR DEATH (1954), HUT (1978). FATHER SUN 1998.
From FOX CAVE our sincere tribute to our father sun CAUPOLICAN the last and true, we still puelches in the open wound of BIRACOCHA GOD.
"Writing in the Andes is not a hobby, is, simply, a painful mission"
Flores Aybar
Poetry is an answer without question, on the other hand science is a question to answer.
"I have been a stop today.
I heard that the grass is moving more than I
And the blood and thaws.
forget my debt, let me go,
Let me go where I can fight alone,
I entertain with x-rays and these scenarios.
Let me be the first: is below where I should be "
(Near Death, 29)
His language is clean and precise:
"the world is broken
And that's not why I'm sad,
Well what in the world falls apart
In my remade soon.
I take my pain
And I alone. "
(Near Death, 36)
"Hut" is a collective poetry written by someone who lives, thinks and feels like an Indian, who lives in the delay, discrimination and abuse. regard Scorza, if you knew and understood these events, unlike the "intellectual" writers "modernism and criollo, had the following opinion:
" there are two types of writers: those who accompany English, from Bernal Diaz del Castillo to Vargas Llosa and accompanying due , from Guaman Poma José María Arguedas "
Since the conquest, the Indian farmer will never abandon the armed rebellion (Sparta culture and idiosyncrasies to the rule) Hence the colonial policy of the government massacres, the open preaching of genocide. White Creole culture with its inefficient, always felt threatened by the Indian who had a superior culture in rural areas. Hence the desire to suppress the Indian, to tame, of evangelising, cholificarlo: hence the contempt for their language and hatred of its customs and practices still rituales.mas, greed and criminality processes of conquest and colonization, by the spokespersons of civilization, West had (and still have, albeit more subtle, overlapping half) as the ultimate goal: to eradicate any form of collective practice, the Community ...
"Near Death"
between life and death half a swinging door ...
Between the pain and joy a door ajar
(The open road is the road of pain and happiness is always closed)
Between the world of thought and the world of reality
hesitate a revolving door,
between the world of reason and the world of instincts
rendered a door swings,
between day and night an invisible door,
between God and men an impenetrable door.
Children have a small door
and adults a great door,
women a door
and the elderly a door log tired.
Some people have an ornate door open to the seasons.
standing waiting to be approached very slight,
die inside, and quietly
close your door forever. (39)
not yell at me from street to square: cholo:
're just a jungle to mountains,
De sea \u200b\u200bsaw.
De Tahuantisuyo to Republic: INDIO!
The Soi!.
To José Luis Ramos, blood brother, following the path of the heroic struggle continue in Mayhua Mario Quispe. LIMA July 09, 2009.
Magazine: Neo Poet Tahuantisuyano
Mayhua Mr. Mario Quispe
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