Amazon Persistence The Chullachaqui, Tales from the Amazon
William Vásquez Vásquez
By Roger Garcia Nail
literature depends on the social consciousness, fully human, and oral language in its cultural significance to leave behind the political toughness involving youth and children of our country. Roughness that is transmitted to state neglect and disregard a dark period of democracy.
literature is a permanence, a necessity, an act of concern for raising awareness of the idiosyncrasies of a people, its historical and contemporary beauty, including deep artistic personality to survive on his sensitivity of people in their soul and spirit unfathomable and creative memory.
Amazon World with its rivers, its forests, its gods, its mountains, its people, etc., is colored green and not just transparency, our literature, but the heart of Peruvian and American men. Has culturized our imagination with their "noisy animals, endless forests and the preciousness of human beings" (Rolando Antonio Mandujano, Amazon World in Ancient Culture, 2002).
Amazon Literature is beyond discussion "Between Creole and Andean." is beyond colonization and abandonment of many decades. It's closer since the uprisings of Juan Santos Atahualpa, of Torote, the Shipibo Rucanto, fighting in Chachapoyas and Moyabamba by Independence, the state's complicity bloody Devil's Curve on June 5, 2009 to the pollution of its rivers, spilling 5,500 barrels of oil per Pluspetrol the Marañón River in 2000 and occurred in this year (2010). Shares that feed the lyrics to our Amazon to defend life, the natural death of our people and their coexistence with nature.
The literary manifestation in our Amazon is evident from the first chroniclers as Fray Gaspar de Carvajal to our highly respected writers such as Francisco Izquierdo Rios, Jorge Najar Kokally, Jose Maria Arroyo, César Calvo, Luis Hernán Ramírez, Arturo Hernandez, Luis Urteaga Cabrera, Welman Cárdenas Díaz, Roger Rumrrill Garcia, Rolando Mandujano and others so important in our literature, studied and periodized in Shamira makers; Process Literature Peruvian Amazon (in 1542 to 2009) by Manuel Marticorena Quintana, Arteidea, 2009.
In the real world and wonderful, this is necessarily oral accounts, are made in the explanation and the mythical conception of the different communities in the Amazon. In this perspective we can locate "The chullachaqui" Tales from the Amazon William Vásquez Vásquez. Narratives that are evident in the knowledge, the social and personal identity of the author. We note that the stories are an effort by William Vasquez to publicize a traditional expression of our Amazon, which the author belongs. Stories displayed in a simple, using the language urban, modern and own the place, often marked by uncertainty as to generate new forms of life such as Toñito Chullachaqui delighted, after many moons back to is a town where unknown. Modernity and the canon, in complicity with the media have tried to meet the amenity of our customs, worldview and especially Amazon, have tried with the devastation of flora and fauna to move our people to the city exploitation and cheap labor. William with this book hits the city legal and uproots all negative intention of distorting the behavior of the Amazonian people and contribute to our national literature.
The book is divided into three essential parts: the first consists of several short stories, the second by mythical characters typical of the Amazon and the third by a vocabulary that allows us to approach the profile and understanding text.
To better understand the landscape of the book, I could group the first part as follows: first, composed of stories that tell stories with fantastic elements themselves of the forest, tied with urban elements indict him in reality, such is the case of El Chullachaqui, The monkey Martin The old Achquin love The Little Mermaid, which express the beliefs and thoughts of a village in the Amazon time. The second will bring together stories that moral fables knowledge Amazonian through the participation of animals and The Wasp Paucar , the jaguar and the anaconda , Motelín, The Bushmaster and paca and The Curuhuinsi paseandero, characters who dare to preserve the flora and fauna, a necessary input from the author. This part would include the Legend Ayaimama, denouncing the paternal fragile. In the third part grouped stories that deal with literary chronicle, as in the case of the legendary Amazon and the fabulous kingdom of El Dorado that place us at a time and a historical significance to visit and discover the legacy Amazon. And finally the author's own stories, I traveled in a UFO, Green Riding Hood, using a backpack going in the woods and is besieged by a stranger and neighbor, and a very personal and romantic text, my first shoe.
In The Chullachaqui, Tales from the Amazon , William Vasquez Vasquez is the glowing enthusiasm of an entire community to raise awareness of a cause to fight and defend our people, their forests, fields and animals, from the invasion and contamination of its rivers. It is one more reason to encourage and meet the real literature in the community, in order to gain understanding, courage, moral progress and education of our people. Whose work has been developed by William Vasquez as a model in Ucayali, Contamana.
Amazon That this persistence in the Chullachaqui, Tales from the Amazon , is the spiritual reflection of the vast majority of our Peruvian people are the constant equilibrium ultimately preserve and defend the cultural richness of our indigenous communities.
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