blogosphere than you think. In our first interview bloogers
Cup. Gabi
24, is a curious guy and restless, his eagerness to document and report on all that also loves to find new things, is such that allows you to specialize in any field (or so he says modestly ) but actually studied
. Just as your partner
, Mike likes documented, although it is much more practical and prefer spending hours to dive in net and getting lost in
blogs and websites
favorite fashion. How did the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating blog Cup of Couple and why you chose the name? We wanted to show people our way of life and things that we like. We take pictures every day and wanted to share it somehow. Hence came the name, we were drinking tea and did the name of Couple Cup because we show a piece of our life together.
evidende that fashion is you like and it is your way of life, do you consider yourself a fashion victims (a term I personally think it's old fashioned, I prefer to use fashionistas )?
Gabi: Though some people think that the term has negative connotations fashionista, if I think I am a little because I'm aware of what is happening and I select what I like adapting to me. Is inevitable. Mike: I do not think at all because I'm not very attentive to what happens in reality I see a lot and when I see something that catches my eye I imagine because of me, and I catch if I like it, not because others lead you. know you have many followers, "Do you think you have a specific profile of reader? To whom it may concern Cup of Couple? is aimed at anyone who wants to read and likes to watch. There are many followers, 50% as many blogs easy just look for the comment and the other 50% sure that they are people who are interested or would like the work we do with our
indiscreet questions: Do you share your closet? Would you lend each other clothes? - If fund share room (because we have no closet). Fortunately or unfortunately have the mimas shirt sizes and foot, but I (Gabi) I would never Creepers
a blue with green socks and I (Mike) I would never shirt underneath a jersey and scarf. Otherwise no problem.
talked about trends Cup of Couple
Mensencia is a portal for men with style, and that Gabi and Mike go over, not what they say, what I say, as good - bloggers and fashionistas give us their views on current trends.
What is your leitmotiv
when creating your style, where you draw your inspiration?
Gabi: - I had to find meaning Leitmotif (laughs). It's encouraging to see photos of street style
, especially in Tumblr.
Mike: Depends on the day I feel like one thing or another, usually tend to go dark tones, and as Gabi soil inspire me looking at pictures of
street style and fashion editorials.
- In recent years it has become very trendy reatil firms have invited a famous designer to design a capsule collection of limited edition or what do you think this type of collaboration?, Have you bought any of these clothes?
Gabi: I think
a great way of bringing people most exclusive designer products at prices more affordable. We all Jeremy Scott watches for Swatch.
Mike: Okay if it is true to the style of the designer, as often happens when working with H & M. For example, speaking of Jeremy Scott, I feel great that a brand like Adidas has had this designer to be among its products a few items that I never would have done them.
What trends Spring / Summer 2011 you feel more identified and why?, "Are you followers of trends, the 'takes' 'Did not'?
- Gabi: I'm more a follower of the 'suits me' and 'I have no good'. Not very well what is going to take but what I do not think are again put the red straw.
(laughs) I love your response. I'll go the same way although I would like to wear some flowers if you can and more boho
. question is a stereotype, but style is made or born? Can become fashionable? Does it affect the money?
Gabi: The style can be done. Clearly influenced by money, but that does not mean that because you have money you have have style. There are many rich people dressed like normal legs and with 50 € on top are much more style.
is made. If you had an unlimited card is going to figure out what is good, with all that I would buy but I can not. - Gabi and Mike talk about the current fashion
Cup of Couple plus street stylers
good they are, represetan perfectly the figure of trendsetter (imaplantador trends), although they are not aware ( or so I believe) they are, give us an interesting insight into what is happening today in the world of fashion.
- What are your designers or firms fetish?, What do you think are the most influential? about men's fashion is concerned.
Gabi: Usually I tend to like more firms than any designer in particular, I identify with Acne, The Goose and approaching the low-cost
Topman or American Apparel.
Mike: My fetish has always been Marc Jacobs, with his own signature and Louis Vuitton, I think has done great things, Prada and Dior Homme and I've loved the last season.
- What do you think the fashion made in Spain, some a designer favorite?
I think there are some very interesting things beyond that everyone knows like we love Cati Serra and Maria Ke Fisherman are super fun and we have a couple of things from them, Cruz Castillo ...
I think we can be proud of fashion in Spain, but I think they are not given too much importance on the international level, should give more projection in other countries and walkways. I really like Carlos Díez, David Dolphin, Alvarno, Amaya Arzuaga or Mary Escoté.
Are there any designer or unknown signature for the public you have discovered recently and I have been surprised?
Etxeberria, because he has a very masculine and elegant collection, Senyor Paul by blending fabrics like wool and denim, and Ruiz Galvan for its futuristic, urban and technique.
- Mike: Agi & Sam loves me, are super colorful and I saw very similar things. Die also Kosmonautin Laika, from his first collection in the South that linked pants and patterned shirts and dark galaxy.
What do you think about the departure of John Galliano for Dior?
is where he deserves, he has sought.
Mike: I think
like Gabi, has to be accountable and more like being a public figure. Even so, I hope you do not really have that mentality in our times. If I had lived this incident would have answered it as if it had lasted the Hitler were alive. - seems that there are large changes in first-line firms, there are those who notes that some of the largest (designers) are to be replaced, and many others are going to change his signature. It may be that fashion is standing a few years now, I do not know if it's something of mine, but sometimes I have the feeling I'm seeing the same thing all the time, Do you pass something like that?
Fashion is something cyclical and as such occasions arise in many elements that existed before but back to win just have to give a touch of novelty, a breath of fresh air. So it may be advantageous to incorporate new designers in such positions, even at the risk of failure. Karl
Laggerfeld for Chanel, Tom Ford rose Gucci, John Galliano did the same with Dior, Giorgio to his 70-odd years is still running his own empire, etc ... Do you design better men?
Men do not design better but 'these' men are. Besides demonstrating that they have a special sensitivity to design and create fashion for women, which usually far exceeds the collections for men. Let
- the phenomenon of the blogosphere, what do you think of this blogger
boom of recent years? What other
menswear blogs you follow and why?
Gabi: is a real way of seeing beyond fashion catalogs that everyone knows. The fashion concept is associated with lifestyle. I particularly like the
fashion blogs
boys in northern Europe. - Mike:
bloggers have become an influential part in the world of fashion trendsetter. Helped the designers to know and better understand what people want, thanks to the views and inputs of blogs . In these years have gone beyond achieving influence their readers.
Cup dressing Secrets of Couple What are men with style, no doubt, but are presumed? Mile Gabi and tell their deepest secrets in creating their looks
and care for your image, if you have them. -
what extent it is important to your look, think much that you are going to wear every day?
If that is important, ultimately the look
- is a form of expression like any other. Generally I do not think much that I'm going to wear every day, I'm quite handy, depending on the situation. Mike: for me it is also important because part of my personality. I usually fight hard with clothes until I am satisfied, because I like to be comfortable without thinking what the others think of my look .
What famous you think the smartest and why? And the best dress or roll over?
Gabi: I like the roll of Sophie Ellis Bextor and Richard Jones. And Jude Law, who when not under the same cleavage that Pamela Anderson can be a real gentleman . Mike:
sober Pete Doherty and I like his style of music british
. And with more roll of
MGMT Andrew Vanwyngarden of neo-hippie
- Is it the same right to be fancy dress? Do you consider yourself well dressed and stylish?
Gabi: Both think contains elegant dress well, but well dressed sometimes does not include
Mike: I think I'm such well-dressed but not elegant, and I always go with a touch more disheveled and Gabi if it is often more elegant than I am.
"You pass much time in front of the mirror? "Are you conceited? How do you think, you? Has a beauty trick?
what most use for the mirror is the same for what I use any reflective surface: for looking at my hair. Use moisturizer for face and hands.
Mike: I truth is I do not care much ground, I do not go good or bad hair, depends on want to have that day, if I have good hair I stand a hat. That's my trick! But I confess that sometimes I do facials. Quick Test
Gabi Color: blue
. Turn
shorts. - I never would ..
. a pair of bell.
City to live ... Amsterdam.
holidays ... California.
- of shopping in .. Where but alone. Last
a trip to London to Mike for his birthday.
favorite drink: beer
but I'm not an alcoholic! Vice
: vices are never admissible. Peli

Scream. Topic
more plays on your iPod and / or similar device: ET Katy Perry, I'm very commercial.
- Favorite dish: breaded filestes fries from my mother.
- Gabi
what you like most and least Mike: - what more when you invent words because he does not get any and least sleeping a lot.
- Mike Quick Test
- Color: Yellow . Turn
- favorite: jersey knit.
- ... I never put a shirt stuck.
- City to live ... I have to find it.
- ... Bali holiday.
- of shopping in ..
Paris. Last - caprice
a laptop bag to Marc Jacobs.
- favorite drink: Nestea. Vice
eat all the jelly beans at once. Peli

lately I've seen a lot of Little Miss Sunshine. Topic
more plays on your iPod and / or similar device: - Devotchka How It Ends.
Favorite dish: Noodles with Vegetables - .
Mike - what you like most and least Gabi: what I like most is his patience and stressed that unless very fast when you have to do things at home.
- Space
- Finally the question / answer blank, this is your space to say what I want.
Gabi: - Remember, let the red skinny jeans in the closet please! Whatever they say.
Mike: - Why us? That illusion, our first interview as bloggers!
- Responding to a question from Mike, because you're great. Thank you very much guys for taking your time. I wish him well personally and professionally. Official Website
- register here.
Categories: Style
Tags: interview
, Cup of Couple , blogger
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