The Granma still playing at the "opening" of certain topics. Now published note the disappearance of 34 Cubans in Mexico. Of course, with the "clarification" aimed at the office of Colonel Alfonsito in DOR: there are illegal immigrants who escaped from Cuba and the command comes from Miami kidnappers. Redundant, no? The nonpartisan newsletter textual note:
Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico, June 12 .- A total of 34 Cubans who had been arrested in Cancun by the Mexican immigration authorities, were missing Thursday after an armed group, a fact unusual, took by assault the bus were transported to a detention center, said AFP.
"The bus carrying the Cubans (to be carried the delegation of migration in Chiapas) was intercepted by an armed, of Mexico's Migration Institute (INM) and reported to the Attorney General (PGR) to investigate the whereabouts of the Cubans, "said a source at the institution.
In Tuxtla Gutierrez, capital of Chiapas, other INM officials claimed that the bus was stopped on Wednesday night by a heavily armed commando, as he walked through the town of Ocosingo.
"Several armed men, wearing balaclavas, they stopped the bus on the road, threatened the officers with heavy weapons, taking the bus along with the Cubans, leaving agents in the road, "INM officials noted.
In this area of \u200b\u200bMexico have been linked to mafias operating Miami for smuggling people from Cuba.
And here the same news in other version.
Photo © mlcastle / Flickr
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