Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Highlights Dark Brown Hair
Science and ideology
A Juan Orlando Pérez González thought to ask rhetorically: "Who said you had to give money for Notebooks Marti? ( Tribuna de La Habana, December 22, 1995). Did not take into account that the authors of the books, Fintia Vitier and his better half Cina, no sense of rhetoric. In this occurrence the party was also the director ruff Tribune (Ángel Zúñiga), the Deputy Director (Argentina Jiménez) and the managing editor (Maria Elena Pacheco). Pérez González followed the right path and even appeared in September the LASA conference (Montreal), with a vest English from the University of Sunderland, to lecture on "the representation of the changing leadership in the Cuban press." Did not consider that this year was elected the National Council Journalist Union of Cuba (UPEC), where the current president repeated Tubal Páez and 16 of the 40 members, who averaged nearly 50 years of age and the first July choosing among them 11 members of the presidency. Can perhaps be changed to the youngest, Randy Alonso, 38 (photo), is yoked to the septuagenarian Juan Marrero .

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Confusion of feelings
Max Lesnik (pictured) claims that there is no freedom of speech in Miami, because first the station WOCN (1450 AM) sold to ESPN the transmission horita Lesnik paid to pose as director of "Radio Miami" and then strain it could not in WKAT (1360 AM). Lesnik says he signed a contract and advance payment four weeks, but the station manager, Antonio Calatayud, intervened with the program-lesniknista maxista was "controversial." As Lesnik not understand that there are free enterprise, his complaint states: "Oh, freedom of expression, how many crimes are committed in thy name!" But he mismito clear it will continue its teques pro-Castro "on the Internet as the last and only refuge." You can still give them out loud where nuggets were sold before or wherever, without fear of going behind bars on charges of "enemy propaganda."

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One of the commentators of the day the parents wrote: "The mykiss behind the stick. Why have not put anything in the herald layoffs? ". If you look though the blog, see the May 23 we refer to the rumor about layoffs at the Miami Herald Media Company and June 11, to affect between 10-15% of staff. Generally, we decline hanging out at an unusual news. McClatchy came to announce the June 16 which reduced its workforce by 17%, ie we have not even made clear that our margin of error of 3% was not. If anything we should mention that the Hialeah witchcraft does not work in the hands of whites, but that was well known at least since Oscar Corral Balsera became entangled with a redhead.
Photo: The bloggers heraldic Ruin Ferreira and Helena Poleo waiting to kill Lola © Heresies and Caipirinhas 2.0

Photo: The bloggers heraldic Ruin Ferreira and Helena Poleo waiting to kill Lola © Heresies and Caipirinhas 2.0
Monday, June 16, 2008
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Happy hours
A commentary under the pseudonym of "The Friend" suggests that we close this blog. According to him, "Euphrates, Isis, Diavolo and try Taoro passionately but without much success, to save the blog ... but can not (...) close it, and this sucks. "Thanks for the qualifier. And thanks to all those he mentioned. I know I have done from the heart. They have shown throughout this time. But this "friend" know why he says it and against which we compare. It is his opinion and respect it. However, your last sentence is one reason why some time we are planning to complete this project. We noticed that even the Cubans living in freedom can practice in a democratic exercise exchange of ideas. And many of the debates on blogs Cuban exiles as confirmed. In a majority of cases, prevalent selfishness and egos, arrogance, self-reliance and, in many cases, personal offenses, but there are all arguments in the world for discussion.
If this sums you do not receive a penny for doing so and that the jobs they do give us to eat whenever we require more time and dedication, then you question whether it is worth so much pressure to keep up to date, with the highest quality and uniqueness possible. Coincidentally, in recent times we have read a number of colleagues who appear to have been questioned to some extent the continuity of blogs. Maybe it's a process somewhat widespread. For us, in particular, this exercise routine is no longer an amusement. And if its essence is lost, there is no point continuing. The next day we will have the last word.
Illustration: Ponjuan: The fixed idea (1995)

If this sums you do not receive a penny for doing so and that the jobs they do give us to eat whenever we require more time and dedication, then you question whether it is worth so much pressure to keep up to date, with the highest quality and uniqueness possible. Coincidentally, in recent times we have read a number of colleagues who appear to have been questioned to some extent the continuity of blogs. Maybe it's a process somewhat widespread. For us, in particular, this exercise routine is no longer an amusement. And if its essence is lost, there is no point continuing. The next day we will have the last word.
Illustration: Ponjuan: The fixed idea (1995)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
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Maceo - Che? Transculturación
Castro propaganda often rely on coincidences, as would have occurred between the births of Antonio Maceo y Grajales (Majaguabo, June 14, 1845) and Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Rosario, June 14, 1928). Nobody seriously questioned what fuck were the parents of Che Rosario, if the logic of pregnancy required that the mother remained in Buenos Aires. Until the very Celia de la Serna revealed her friend, journalist Julia constellations, and prenuptial pregnancy had hidden the Buenos Aires society. Ernesto was born on 14 May, but was registered on June 14 to present it as premature ( Celia's mother Che, Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 2004). To Jon Lee Anderson surrendered to the evidence that a doctor friend of the couple falsified birth certificate. However, the symbolic politics of Castro still clinging to the false ephemeris and spokesmen Cupull Adys Froilan Gonzalez and point out that terrorists "organized from the United States planned blow up the monument to Che in Santa Clara and Antonio Maceo Square in Santiago de Cuba. As not achieve their intended purposes [now] to blow up the symbolic meaning of the historical sites and destroy the uplifting date. " For all that the late Celia, her friend and biographer Jon Julia are involved in other "scandalous terrorist connection."
Photo: © Ernestico between parents

Photo: © Ernestico between parents
Garretts Popcorn Or Nuts On Clark

Illustration: Writing the Miami Herald
H / T Henry Gomez and Randompixels .
Friday, June 13, 2008
80048831 Cutomer Service
of Friends (Update)
Garrincha sends us this definition of the Cuban blogosphere:
Lauzen also tells us that competition was invented partisan newsletter Granma.
via e-mail and learned that a photograph of the Colon Cemetery taken by Angel Gonzalez, a veteran cameraman and Cuban filmmaker currently residing in Argentina, was the most voted in the monthly call Fotorevista a website that country aimed at professional photographers. The news was sent in his wife, Rita Aguila, indeed, a great designer Cuban and a good friend who has her own creative Lemonade. Enjoy.
Garrincha sends us this definition of the Cuban blogosphere:

Lauzen also tells us that competition was invented partisan newsletter Granma.

via e-mail and learned that a photograph of the Colon Cemetery taken by Angel Gonzalez, a veteran cameraman and Cuban filmmaker currently residing in Argentina, was the most voted in the monthly call Fotorevista a website that country aimed at professional photographers. The news was sent in his wife, Rita Aguila, indeed, a great designer Cuban and a good friend who has her own creative Lemonade. Enjoy.

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The Granma still playing at the "opening" of certain topics. Now published note the disappearance of 34 Cubans in Mexico. Of course, with the "clarification" aimed at the office of Colonel Alfonsito in DOR: there are illegal immigrants who escaped from Cuba and the command comes from Miami kidnappers. Redundant, no? The nonpartisan newsletter textual note:
Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico, June 12 .- A total of 34 Cubans who had been arrested in Cancun by the Mexican immigration authorities, were missing Thursday after an armed group, a fact unusual, took by assault the bus were transported to a detention center, said AFP.
"The bus carrying the Cubans (to be carried the delegation of migration in Chiapas) was intercepted by an armed, of Mexico's Migration Institute (INM) and reported to the Attorney General (PGR) to investigate the whereabouts of the Cubans, "said a source at the institution.
In Tuxtla Gutierrez, capital of Chiapas, other INM officials claimed that the bus was stopped on Wednesday night by a heavily armed commando, as he walked through the town of Ocosingo.
"Several armed men, wearing balaclavas, they stopped the bus on the road, threatened the officers with heavy weapons, taking the bus along with the Cubans, leaving agents in the road, "INM officials noted.
In this area of \u200b\u200bMexico have been linked to mafias operating Miami for smuggling people from Cuba.
And here the same news in other version.
Photo © mlcastle / Flickr
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Who Many Calories In Vegetable Chow Mein
Building Only on Radio Mambi
Radio Mambi and director Armando Perez Roura outdated continue to give the note of humor in Miami. The affairs have misaligned the old man, who now speaks love poems and in spaces before and rabidly devoted entirely to the cause of "freedom of Cuba." The news of noon on June 11 charged largest category of nonsense: the criticism of "the Communists of Cuba became the delivery of paroles to Cuban immigration offices in South Florida was" led by the Communists' . Like nearly every day, the fighter was reading the radial Herald, but perhaps came to mind other things said and done no one understood why the Castro dictatorship blamed the happy paroles.

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"Figures of change? Reasons

my million barrels of oil and 10 trillion cubic feet of natural gas almost in the backyard, might be enough to change policies. At least, that suggests Reuters from Havana. And not without reason. The fact that Raul Castro has at his disposal in the coming years, this amount of resources in Cuban reservoirs, according to estimates by U.S. Geological Survey, could expedite a possible lifting of the embargo from Washington to Havana. Much more in the days of skyrocketing oil and "changes" in the bullpen on both sides. After all, if what remains is a small step: $ 437 million in U.S. food producers sold to Cuba in 2007. New record.
Photo: Grab your oil here! ... In Cienfuegos © cualquierfoto / Flickr
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De physician leader. A Fidel Castro never liked losing in baseball and in recent times things have gone backwards. And try not happen again, nothing better to keep "blood." And that puts the "playstation" in the hands of his son, Antonio Castro, who even played at the provincial level. And say you know who is "sick" to the ball. It has now been appointed a vice president of the Baseball Federation The Island reported on Cuban television news report in sports on Wednesday night. Granma missed the launch. To embarajar a bit. As if from the beginning no one had realized that everything is a family business. Apparently, one in preparation for the style of Mariela.
Photo: The new VP (d) and their cousin, grandson Raul bodyguard © Getty Images.

De physician leader. A Fidel Castro never liked losing in baseball and in recent times things have gone backwards. And try not happen again, nothing better to keep "blood." And that puts the "playstation" in the hands of his son, Antonio Castro, who even played at the provincial level. And say you know who is "sick" to the ball. It has now been appointed a vice president of the Baseball Federation The Island reported on Cuban television news report in sports on Wednesday night. Granma missed the launch. To embarajar a bit. As if from the beginning no one had realized that everything is a family business. Apparently, one in preparation for the style of Mariela.
Photo: The new VP (d) and their cousin, grandson Raul bodyguard © Getty Images.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Images Of Mysore Mallige Blue Film

Cubans have a new reason to hate Fidel Castro. And the funny thing is that the most recent Raúl Castro has given them. First appearing as the "liberator" of some most absurd prohibitions under the power of his brother. Now, using what was supposed to have been the policy of "socialism of the manuals" imposed by "comrade Fidel" pay workers according to their performance . But on reflection, should be another reason to hate himself just as Raúl. In 50 years, most did not know generalote justify the fame of "hard" to assert its alleged reformist ideas to his brother and had to wait for his move to "plan pajamas" to implement some of the things that should be common and normal. I mean, if as some of its defenders, who always thought that way. Is it not hand has to appease the fire?
Photo: Bakers of Long Beach © Leo Perez / Flickr
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What Can Be Causing The Metalic Taste In My Mouth
Henry Gomez warns that the wall of the Miami Herald are soaked after the news that his neighbor mcclatchyino The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) would lost about 10% of staff in the newsroom. According to Chuck Strouse (Miami New Times ) and is rumored cuts 10 to 15% of the workforce McClatchy's Miami and Broward. One of the workers Miami Herald would have gone to the office of chief editor Anders Gyllenhaal and came out saying: "The guy does not know what to say." Meanwhile the value of McClatchy stock remains below $ 9.

Photo: John Yearwood in TMH Newsroom © Uconnmagazine
Merilyn Sakova At Mer
Miami Herald in Vilo (Update)

One sees a stir in Miami. The culprit is Dyango. The English singer visits Cuba first to participate in the reborn Festival Varadero. But his statements could annoy some of his supporters in this city. "I will not leave without going to see my Cuban friends,''said the artist, 68, in a note published by El Nuevo Herald . According to him, not at" no risk''with this trip and regretted not have been lucky to have done before. "Coming to this country and be able to sing here, with people who for so many years I wanted, because that is a god to me,''he said." I sing where the people that love me. "He started the party. By the way, more information on this Festival of Varadero can shop around where Gaspar, The Villager .
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Age Of Empires 2.0a No Cd Patch
Castro ambassador in Russia, Jorge Martí Martínez, said that this year opens Russian Orthodox cathedral and would like to see the ceremony the Patriarch Alexis II, who gave tremendous brawl in January 2004 by the opening of the Greek Orthodox church in Old Havana, "Cuba is turning to Washington with the Patriarch of Constantinople at his side," said the statement carried by Interfax. Castro moved quickly, before the end of 2004, Metropolitan Kirill, chairman of the Department of Church Relations Affairs of the Patriarchate of Moscow, placed the first stone of Russian Orthodox church, near where stands the basilica was consecrated Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church, His All Holiness Bartholomew, accompanied then by Bartolocago (photo).

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In La Rambla Barcelona Appearances deceiving
Many were frozen in Miami when they went today to the web site of Max Lesnik and found a picture that appeared to be Roberto Luque Escalona. The End of Exile?, As Fukuyama would say. "Castro Luque Escalona in collusion with Lesnik, or Lesnik in transition to democracy with an extremist to balance? But it was the old man Unsain Alfredo Muñoz, aka Chango, MININT aide who now works with Lesnik, not Luque, hilarious little newspaper columnist convicted of Demetrio Perez Jr. For that Luque has been: for Lesnik jokes.

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This was the week of "rectification of errors and negative tendencies" to Hugo Chavez. On Tuesday just repeal the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Law that he had copied from their sponsors Cubans. It did so by a decree signed by him and to be published in the Official Gazette. "This is a government that does not pursue or prosecute anyone," said this afternoon in Caracas. The announcement came a day after his Minister of Interior and Security, Rodriguez Chacin, had said the law was not repealed. The above correction Chavez came during the most recent program Alo Presidente in which the Venezuelan leader told the FARC that armed struggle is "anachronistic." Or the man is thinking or time is so high that it is better candle put out the fire before it burns completely. Meanwhile, the AFP's how the cord between the two countries to "shark-proof."

Monday, June 9, 2008
Whats The Name Of That 2010 French Song
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